I don't know if I mentioned to you that I have a garden. Well, I shouldn't say I have "a" garden. I have several. I have a front garden that has a few perennials, I have a back garden that I have yet to actually do anything to, and I have my vegetable garden.
I LOVE my vegetable garden. It is made up of two 4x10 raised boxes that my dad and I put together a few summers ago. Last year, I added metal posts (and mesh around those) about 2 feet around the whole thing to keep out the critters. This will be the third summer that I have my garden, and the first that I am going to experiment a little with what I put in it.
Two years ago, I had four tomato plants. I told myself I will NEVER do that again. I had more tomatoes than I could possibly ever eat. Or give away. Or donate. IT WAS RIDICULOUS!!!
So then last year, I planted only one tomato. And it didn't do as well as I thought. So I might try two this year.
Last year's fiasco was eggplant. I think I had 8 eggplant plants - which...is too much for any one city block, let alone my family.
So...this year...this year, I plan to plant potatoes (4 types). And artichoke. And carrots. And beets. I might try broccoli. And spinach. I might do lettuce. And peas.
It's actually really hard to decide. Because, you only have so much room, and you want to get things that you love. Carrots, I love. LOVE.
And the rest...well, the rest I can get at the farmer's market if I'm really desperate.
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