Thursday, February 9, 2012


Yep. Spasms.
That is what my back has been doing since Friday last. I'm pretty sure I know the *exact* moment it happened too. It was when I was dropping E off at school and reached across our van to take the baby (in her seat) out. Why reach you ask??? Because the snowbank is higher than my van, and I REFUSE to climb over it to get to the other side.
So I reached across, and in doing that, I  threw out my back.
But I managed to get a lot accomplished before it started to hurt.
I went to Staples. I almost never go to Staples because there are so many little things that I love. I started by buying a new binder and some page protectors for my recipes. Why a binder? Because I subscribe to magazines. And those magazines have WONDERFUL recipes in them. Buuuuut....THEY TAKE UP SO MUCH SPACE!!!!! So J asked me to get rid of them. Ha. I think I have outsmarted him by putting all the recipes into this binder.
Then I bought a couple of pens. Fancy ones. And a dry erase marker for the kids writing practice. And then it happened. I walked into the MECCA. Martha Stewart Heaven. Oh yes my friends, let me tell you. Martha Stewart has a new organization section at Staples. And I might have gone a little overboard. But how could you not???!!!??? There are chalkboard labels (I know right?). There are removable writing pads for your stainless steel fridge (awesome!). And there were special little inserts for binders that hold the recipe cards from her magazine.
Needless to say, as much as I want to, I can't go back.
But throwing out your back makes it hard to do everything else. I can't lift I. She's probably only 12 lbs, but it's enough that my back goes into spasms the moment I try. Today it took me 4 hours to sweep the floor, and even at that, I had to do part of it sitting down.
So. I am going to sit here this afternoon and cut magazines. Pictures of my wonderful binder to come :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Keeping up appearances

Happy Wednesday!!!
Actually, today has been less than stellar. But I'm determined to get through it in one piece. I haven't posted on my blog in a few days - and for very good reasons: a) I have been baking up a storm; and b) I am completely addicted to Pinterest.
Specifics of reason a) I have been baking up a storm: I baked TWO date squares from Martha Stewart's recipe and didn't have time to take a picture because they were gobbled up by my family. But they were delicious. Trust me. I also baked a carrot cake from a recipe that a friend gave me. Her secret family recipe. Oh. My. Gosh. I can't even begin to describe how good it is. And sadly, I can't give you the recipe. I also baked some pretty decent chocolate chip muffins, not unlike those at Tim Hortons. 
As for my little addiction...I can't seem to get enough of Pinterest. I think because of the snowy, cold weather and the lack of getting anything accomplished during a day (except maybe feeding my little I) I was feeling a little uninspired. And totally unmotivated. So, I decided to try pinterest. And now, I have found a zillion things that I love. Or want to make. Or want to buy. Or places I want to live. But the reality is, I think I need a little break from it. Because I have still not accomplished ANYTHING...but now I have a zillion more inspired projects to complete. :)