Monday, December 5, 2011

The Funnies

When I woke up this morning, I was already having a bad day. Maybe lack of sleep, maybe just feeling overwhelmed by the weekend (or life in general). 
In the last few weeks, my sweet middle child has been giving me a good run for my money. She pooped at daycare and smeared it over herself (why, I will never know), then she ate a piece of playmobile, she started yelling at her dad...gotta love being so close to 3!!!
Anyway, I decided that I should share a cute, funny story. I thought it might make me feel better. Enjoy.

A few hours after I had "I", my two oldest daughters "E" and "K" came to visit at the hospital. I was in the middle of explaining that I didn't have a baby in my tummy anymore, showing them my tummy. My oldest daughter "E" said, nope mommy, no more baby, only fat. Nice.

Busy Summer

Well. It has been quite the summer! The last two weekends of May, we took a couple of trips. The first, we went to Sudbury, ON to visit my grandfather. It was a great visit, and the girls loved seeing their great-grandpa and GG. The second trip, we went to Toronto, ON, to visit my aunt and uncle and go to the zoo. Here are a couple of pictures of that trip.

June was spend mostly by me, in the garden. I have a small-ish vegetable garden - 2 4x10 raised beds - which I've had for 2 years. Last year, I grew a few too many things. I had more tomatoes than I could ever possibly eat, and more zucchini than I care to share with anyone. This year, I decided to change things up a bit. I think it's gone fairly well. I've been busy tending the garden for most of the summer - which has meant a combination of keeping it well watered, keeping weeds out, and putting up netting to keep the small animals (especially the little brown rabbit who has recently made his home in our backyard) out.
Here's a picture of the first and second pickings I've had this year. Pretty nice eh?

Now we're heading into September. My oldest is starting school on Wednesday. I will have to let you know how that goes. And, likely mid-month, I will have a third little girl grace us with her presence. I'm not sure how well having your baby start school goes with being pregnant, but I will keep you posted on that too.

September is also the month where I start do get ready for winter. My intentions are to make mittens for the 3 girls, maybe make a jumper or two for school, and try to get ready for the long winter ahead. I think I might try a few jams or preserves - something I started last year, but never finished. I will post any recipes that I try (and like) for you. I can't wait!!!